Sunday, August 19, 2018

Rob Walker Collection 4...(and more).

Ford in what looks like Masterton County Council colours.

Scania in furniture removal guise.

Nice old Bedford with extra axle.

I don't recognise the colours on this Mitsubishi, or are they factory colours before painting?

Hino and...

....Mercedes Benz for Oldfield Ready Mix.

I remember when this Shell liveried MAN was driven by John Ghent.

Hino in obvious livery.

Big 8 wheeler Ford for Martinborough Transport before their trucks got even bigger.

Bright colours for Leonard Transport's Mitsubishi from Taupo.

Simple paint for this Isuzu.

The Mi-ere Bacon Co Isuzu was used for the Wairarapa run which was mostly flat running.
When I worked there I remember having to use this truck a couple of times for my run over to the Hutt Valley.
It wasn't designed for the heavy loads we carried over the Remutaka Hill road.

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