Monday, January 22, 2018

Holiday (10)...More from ECMOT.

Mary stands beside the huge 3 cylinder diesel engine and generator, which was used from 1912 to power some of Gisborne's electric tram service.
The engine was manufactured by Mirrlees, Bickerton & Day in Stockport, Manchester, England.

The museum has many D series Fords, mostly in poor condition.

This probably no longer applies.

An accessory trailer air brake valve was a necessary extra when trucks only came with hydraulic brakes.

Morris Commercial

TK Bedford is still usable.

Thames Trader and Austin .

Bedford trucks with a Bedford CA van at the far end.

A couple of Trekkas and a Ford Capri that appears to have been on the speedway track.

Commer Superpoise with another Trekka alongside.

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