Saturday, July 22, 2017

Other Stuff from Wairarapa Archive.

A great photo from the Times Age collection of 1963, of a De Soto  accident from which the driver, apparently had a lucky escape.

A brand new Commer Ambulance for St john in Masterton in 1963.

All this damage was caused by a tyre blow out.

Another Times Age photo of Maxwell's buses that they used for their town run in Masterton.
The front one is a Bedford VAS and the rear one is built on a Moprris FG truck chassis.
Both bodies by Hawke.

Along with many race car  and car club photos from the David Bilbrough collection, was this one of a Radiata Transport AEC Mandator, unloading wood chips at Nelson Wharves. Radiata Transport was a logging division of Direct Transport which eventually got swallowed up by Transport Nelson.

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