Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Catching Up.

I've been letting this blog slip a bit lately, partly due to spending more time on facebook, but mostly due to having a fault with my compact camera. This is the one I carry to work and anywhere else that the size of my good camera is an inconvenience.The fault in the camera is fixable, but it is a fiddly job and I've just got to make time to do it. The fact that my small Proxxon drill has also decided to stop working doesn't make it any easier.
Anyway, here's a few pics I've dug up lately.
At Queen's Birthday Weekend we did a trip, up through Pongaroa and then on to Porangahau, in the car. At Pongaroa a local Holden Club had gathered at the hotel. Here are some of the cars there.

At Porangahau the river was glassy smooth.
We get a variety of cars to service at my workplace, like this early Ford Mustang.
Mini and V6 Capri, were in on the same day.
I always liked Chrysler Australia's styling for the Valiants.
Here are some pics I found on some old transparencies.
This one was a workmate's pride and joy, a Suzuki GS450, back in the 80s
My friend Hans, bought this brand new BMW K100RT in 1985.

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