Friday, June 5, 2015

And Some More

S model Bedford with brand new steel stock crate, poses in the "Horseshoe"car park.
Tiger Moth appears to have had a mishap and Transport Wairarapa's  Bedford is called upon to carry it away.
The 6x6 GMC had no end to its capabilities.
Fleet number on the door confirms it is the same unit used as a tractor in other pics.
Above the nose of the Ford can be seen the premises of H.J.Jones, which was well known in Masterton as the Morris dealer, but at this time it was obviously Masterton's Hudson and Packard outlet.
The small building on the semi-trailer appears to have an enormous overhang, but....., the rear is supported by the trusty GMC.
Note the fellow on the roof with his insulated stick to lift the power lines, dressed neatly in his hat and tie !!
If  you're going to roll your Austin truck, I guess you may as well do it with minimal damage.
GMC and load was just too heavy.
What ever year this was, I'm picking that no. 10 was pride of the fleet going by the several pics of her loaded with wool.
I think this may be the same load, from the starboard side of the late 40s, early 50s Ford..
Different day, but similar load.

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