Tuesday, January 20, 2015

WOW (2)

A bit more from Wings Over Wairarapa.
The RNZAFs new trainer, the Beechcraft T6 Texan II, did a short demo flight, but they haven't had them long enough to learn an aerobatic routine as yet.
The smoke from the Harvard is chopped up by the wash from the prop.
A US built MX2 aerobatic aircraft is made mostly of carbon fibre and is capable of enduring plus or minus 12G.
In this snap it is actually falling tailfirst.
A team of Harvards....
....performed a memorable.....
....aerobatic display.
As did the Yak 52s.
The Douglas DC 3 did a fine display of its manoeuvrability.
Avro Ansons performed some surprising feats during WW II.
Corsair, Avenger, Kittyhawk.
The final flypast.
Front row: Goodyear Corsair, Grumman Avenger, Curtis Kittyhawk.
Back row: Supermarine Spitfire, North Amrican Mustang, Yakovlev Yak 3.

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