Tuesday, January 20, 2015

From the UK.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting a couple visiting NZ from the UK.
They allowed me to upload these images from their camera,taken at RAF Marham in August 2014.
The couple, who are aircraft enthusiasts, has their own business, whereby they commission artists to paint portraits of aircraft, which they then sell the prints of. Check it out at  www.sapiart.com
The Boeing B 17 "Flying Fortress" passes over.
This example is known as "SallyB", but has appeared in many films and TV shows with different names painted on her fuselage.
She is the only one of her type still flying in Europe
What must be an event I will never see in my lifetime: two Avro Lancasters flying in formation.
One was visiting from Canada and the other belonging to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.

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