Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Old Black & Whites

I've spent Sunday afternoon searching through the old photo collection of my late parents.
My maternal grandmother's maiden name was Anderson, so I'm guessing R.M.Anderson and his International was my mum's cousin or uncle. The photo was taken in 1940.
My mum's father was a carrier and in 1939 took delivery of a brand new Oldsmobile.
Here it is arriving in the yard previous to having the body/deck fitted.
My dad came from a farming background and I think this might be him stacking bales on the Chev.
Well I think it's a Chev. I'm sure they had a Chev and two different models of Morris.
I remember my dad talking about Vic Grantham and here is his International.
I'm not sure of the identity of the seated gentleman or the one on top of the load.
The only brand new car my mum and dad ever owned was this Morris 8, snapped here at Awakino.
This is the main street of Masterton in about the 1940s.
The three bank buildings in a row in the right of the picture are still standing.
This is actually taken from a postcard.
My granddad's Vauxhall parked up near the door of the Te Kaha Hotel, with another Vauxhall in the foreground and an unidentified bus or service car.
I believe the Te Kaha Hotel is a very different structure today.
Granddad's Vauxhall again; this time outside the summit tearooms on the Napier-Taupo road.
Another postcard picture.
 Gisborne's main street.
Previous to Vauxhalls, my granddad had larger American cars. Here is his Oldsmobile in a snowstorm.

1 comment:

  1. Great selection of photos you have there Trev. I love those old ones
