Thursday, August 28, 2014

Busy Cat

Today, at my work, we had a visit from an Auto Despatch Cat CT630. It was picking up a car from a nearby workshop, but there was far more room for parking in our yard.
The driver informed me it has only been on the road about a month, but has already clocked up over 20,000kms as it goes mostly Auckland to Wellington and back. He also made the comment that some of the politicians that make up the rules for maximum length vehicles, should have to drive them on some of New Zealand's roads. It's all very well to allow larger vehicles for more efficiency, but some roads are not up to scratch. The Rimutaka Hill road being one example.
There were a couple of interesting vehicles on board. An AC Cobra and a Chev Impala.
Here's a closer look at the Cobra...
.... and the Impala.
Left-Hand-Drive and still with it's California plates.
A '64 if I'm not mistaken.

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