Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Back on the Road

I had intended to do some mechanical work on the bike, before putting her back on the road for the summer, but as some of the parts are on back order and I have since discovered the repairs are not as necessary as I first thought, I got a WOF and am mobile again. Last weekend we rode to Ashhurst and had lunch at the Arosta Cafe. Good service and good grub.
Whilst at the cafe I bumped into another BMW rider with an 1974 R90/6.
Now being 40 years old it qualifies for the much cheaper registration. About $150 for a full twelve months whereas I have to pay $137 just to register it for 3 months over summer. I usually finish up registering it for about 6 months, but it means I still miss out on a ride on those nice sunny days we sometimes get in winter.
Oh well only ten years to wait !!

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