Thursday, December 5, 2013

Newer Technology

This week I have finally bought myself a digital SLR camera. At last I may be able to get some snaps of equivalent quality to my old film SLR. Though a bigger zoom lens might have to be on my buying list.
I had to fly to a funeral in the South Island only a couple of days after getting it, so here a few shots associated with the trip to Blenheim.
The new camera in all its glory !
TNL Volvo FH520 with B-train near Springlands in Blenheim.
Another TNL rig in the same place with 40ft container.
This one is a 2004 Sterling 9500.
Descending into Blenheim with the snow covered peak of  Tapuaenuku (2885m) in the background.
The windmills at Makara on the climb out of Wellington.
Communications tower under a silky veil near Wellington.
Crossing the coast on the approach to the South Island.

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