Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Few Pix

I haven't posted much for a while, simply because I haven't been anywhere much and h therefore taken very few photos. Our Summer has been so bad this year that I have hardly had the bike out of the shed.However here are a few photos taken in the last few days.

This Nissan 200SX we recently sold from the motor dealer I work at four days a week. I have always liked the styling of these and this one was in very original condition. Too many of them I see now are getting very worn and bent and buckled.

An International is unloading at The Warehouse in Masterton's Queen Street opposite St Patrick's Catholic Church.
The Warehouse is a chain of NZ department stores selling almost everything at very competitive prices.

Concrete water tanks have now given way to plastic. Due to their light weight they can be transported on fairly lightweight trucks and trailers, like this Hino rig.

On my one day a week that I drive a wheely bin truck, I empty a bin at the Rockgas depot. This week while I was there thisWestern Star was unloading its gaseous cargo.
And yes, that trailer has got a fourth axle behind those white poles.

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