Sunday, February 12, 2012

American Car Show (A mixed Bunch)

The last few photos from the show are a mixture of brands.
This trio of lovely ladies thoroughly entertained the crowd.

The 1948 Packard has a hunchback look and is quite similar to the 1948 Nash on my blog  on the Americarna in Masterton last year.

A 1985 Excalibur 2 door Phaeton is the car to own if you want to stand out. Built in thick fibre-glass and powered by a 5 litre Chevy.

1966 Pontiac Grand Prix looks to be stock standard and huge.

At first glance I thought it was another Model A, but no it's a Chev Wentworth from 1931.

A Chevy pick-up from 1946.

An overview of less than half the attending vehicles. The rest were behind me.

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