Monday, September 5, 2011

Some More Scenic Shots.

As I have mentioned before, I'm not really a beach person, but I do have a soft spot for Castlepoint which is about 45 minutes drive East of my home town. If you climb up the track past the lighthouse you come to the highest point where everyone takes a photo from. It is natural to put the lighthouse and Castle Rock (that high point in the background) in the photo, but unfortunately this makes every photo look the same apart from the weather and the lighting. It is well worth the walk across the sand and taking the 20 minute  climb to the top of Castle Rock to get.....................

.....................a photo like this taken with my 28mm wide angle lens.

The sun sets into the sea near Cape Palliser at the southern tip of the North Island.

Zoomed in to get a close up of that sunset.

Plimmerton in the Porirua area near Wellington looking
 toward the green hills of Whitireia Park.

Wellington Harbour at night.

In a previous "life" as a sales rep I used to pass Porirua Harbour three times a week, but only once did I see at as still as this.

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