Monday, June 27, 2011

Famous Faces

The following pictures I have borrowed from elsewhere on the net so cannot credit their snappers. If they are yours I will gladly credit it them to you or remove them if you insist. Famous faces on motorcycles.

George Clooney leaves a service station on his Harley. I don't know what model this is, (maybe someone can enlighten me) but it certainly an evil looking beast in all that black. It doesn't look like something I would choose.

Alanis Morissette about to don helmet and mount her Monster. I rode an old Ducati 750 for a short distance many years ago and was impressed by it's smoothness, but somehow most models seem just too sporty for me.

Pink on her Bonneville T100. Now thats more like it. These Triumphs look how a bike is supposed to look. The only other thing I would like to see is rubber gaiters on the front forks. I have seen some models with gaiters...are they an option?  Although I don't own any Pink CDs, the times I have seen her on tele, I've always found her thoroughly entertaining, whether she is perfoming or being interviewed.

1 comment:

  1. my man clooney is on a road king. And your right, Pink picked the prettiest bike!
