Friday, March 18, 2011


My first car was this series IIIa Sunbeam Rapier.  A 4 speed manual, but without overdrive. It was a real nice tidy car, but being young and silly I probably didn't treat it with the respect it deserved. After an unfotunate accident in it, I had no vehicle while it was being repaired, so purchased my first motorcycle from a friend who was moving up to a bigger machine..........

I had never been a great fan of motorcycle, but this Suzuki 90 Wolf was affordable and got me places without having to walk. I soon realised what fun motorcycles could be and so started a long relationship with them. If you are not familiar with the 90 Wolf, it was a twin cylinder two-stroke machine with piston about the size of cotton reels. In this picture, two of my nieces (now grown up and one with almost grown up children) pose as "Easyriders".

My first truck driving job was in this D series Ford for Mi-ere Bacon Co. This photo near the top of the Rimutakas in falling snow. I had spent the first 15 years of my working life in the motor trade, both as a mechanic and as a partsman. I particularly enjoyed the parts work, but got frustrated at being indoors all day. So I got myself a truck licence and  found this job as their Hutt Valley representative. After 4 years the company closed down after being taken over by a bigger company and I became redundant. Fortunately within a month I was working again for Premiere Bacon Co. who started business in the old Mi-ere factory. This led to another 20 years of driving a truck to the Hutt Valley every day. The best job I ever had, and I can lay claim to having driven over the Rimutakas in excess of 10,000 times.

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